Who we are …

The Henley and Grange Arts Society Inc. is a community based, non-profit organisation administered by a committee of volunteers. HAGAS has over 200 financial members, and membership allows people to attend classes, demonstrations and workshops, borrow books from the dedicated arts library, exhibit in the club’s gallery and participate in social activities. Members receive a quarterly newsletter with information of upcoming events, demonstrations and workshops and articles of interest from members.

Up Coming Events …

11th, 12th, 13th and
18th, 19th, 20th October
12noon – 4pm

Formal Opening and Refreshments 2pm Saturday 12th October
to be confirmed

As we now have a pre-Christmas show we shall again have this year’s Members Show in the break between Term 3 and Term 4. However, as we did not receive enough entries in 2023 to justify taking over the Painters Studio for the Members Show, we shall use only the Gallery Space this year and so do not need to worry about encroaching on classes.

Work entered does not have to be for sale (although it can be if you wish) and there is no entry fee

This show is to celebrate our members in all of their diversity – put something in to see it displayed in a Gallery setting!


